Birdwatching is a popular activity along the shores of St. Mary’s Bay.
Common birds found throughout July and August
- D.C. Cormorant
- American Bittern
- Great Blue Heron
- Canada Goose
- Green-winged Teal
- American Black Duck
- Mallard
- Ring-necked Duck
- Osprey
- Northern Harrier
- Red-tailed Hawk
- American Kestrel
- Black-bellied Plover
- Killdeer
- Willet
- Semipalmated Sandpiper
- Least Sandpiper
- Short Billed Dowitcher
- Common Snipe
- Ring-billed Gull
- Herring Gull
- Great Black-backed Gull
- Common Tern
- Arctic Tern
- Belted Kingfisher
- American Crow
- American Robin
- European Starling
- Yellow Warbler
- Common Yellowthroat
- Greater Yellowlegs
- Savannah Sparrow
- Nelson’s Sharp-tailed Sparrow
- Song Sparrow
- Swamp Sparrow
- Dark-eyed Junco
- Red-winged Blackbird
- Common Grackle
- Tree Swallow
- Barn Swallow
Potential Surprises found in the marshes
- Great Egret
- Snowy Egret
- Little Blue Heron
- Tricoloured Heron
- Cattle Egret
- Lesser Yellowlegs
- Hudsonian Godwit
- Bonaparte’s Gull
- Caspian Tern
- Green Heron
- Glossy Ibis
- Bank Swallow
- Cliff Swallow
- Red-breasted Merganser
- Black Skimmer
- Laughing Gull
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